30 day shred level 2 workout
30 day shred level 2 workout

30 day shred level 2 workout

I've noticed the more I do this, the more I want to do this. I would recommend supplementing this with a stretching program, or educate yourself and add it on your own. You don't want to wind up not being able to touch your toes, even if you do look great. Stretching decreases likelihood of injury, and keeps you flexible, not to mention relaxed. I have found this to be true, and short stretches do me no good at all. I worked with a trainer who said each stretch should be held for 20 seconds, minimum. I would say the weakest parts of this program are the warm up is short, and the stretching afterwards is nearly worthless. I also love that this is a short program, at about 25 minutes, which means even on busy days I have no excuses. She is also unexpectedly encouraging, in a realistic way. I like her straight forward, no-nonsense, tough-girl approach.

30 day shred level 2 workout

This workout is "no joke" as Jillian affectionately refers to some of the moves.

#30 day shred level 2 workout full

It allows you to go slowly and ease in if you need to, or hit it full throttle if you want to. This allows for two different exertion levels per level, which is really handy for starting off on a new level (especially after ma xing out on the previous one). What I like the best is that each level has two different people to watch and follow, for beginners, and for more experienced people.

30 day shred level 2 workout

FYI: lemon water speeds up recovery time, and so does lots of raw food. Any dietary efforts make results happen faster, of course. Three weeks ago that would have never happened. For instance, I went on a 3 hour hike yesterday, with the last 30 minutes super challenging, and kept up no problem. My body is shaping up already, and my endurance is noticeably higher. I had to stay on level 1 for 2 weeks, and am now on level 2 on my 3rd week, and am already seeing a difference in my form. Great workout, especially if you add a couple things

30 day shred level 2 workout